July/August 2022

UC Study Abroad Conference
UCEAP Ireland 50th Anniversary Reunion
Deadline for UCEAP Internship Awards
UCEAP Back to School Night Trivia, Goleta, Calif.
UCSB Study Abroad Fair
UCSD Study Abroad Fair
UCSC Global Learning Opportunities Fair
UCLA Study Abroad Fair
UCR Study Abroad Fair
UCM Study Abroad Fair
UCEAP Virtual Study Abroad Fair
UCB Study Abroad Fair
UCD Global Learning Fair
UCI Study Abroad Fair

UCEAP Awarded IDEAS Grant for a Research Project
UCEAP has received a $28,476 grant from the US Department of State’s Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for US Students (IDEAS) Program.
UCEAP will use the funds to conduct research on the needs of underrepresented students in study abroad. A joint effort between the Communications and Engagement team and the Research team, the Study Abroad for All project focuses on creating more inclusive messaging for students and making study abroad more accessible.
There are two phases of the project:
- Phase 1: Student user testing and focus groups will identify gaps in UCEAP communications.
- Phase 2: Students will collaborate with UCEAP's Communications and Engagement team to produce inclusive content that can lead to an increase in the diversity of UC study abroad students.
IDEAS grants increase the capacity of accredited US colleges and universities to create, expand, and diversify study abroad programs for US students in support of US foreign policy goals. UCEAP is one of 44 US colleges and universities to receive a grant this year.
A big thank you to UCEAP’s grant proposal team:
- Alexandra Cugnier, budget analyst
- Andrea Huebner, digital content writer and editor
- Shannon Krahn, research analyst and grant coordinator
- Yeana Lam, senior research analyst
- Virginia O’Connor, digital content strategist

UC Study Abroad Conference Hosts 153 Participants
With the theme Plural Voices: Health, Identity, and Belonging, UCEAP held its first hybrid conference this year.
A total of 153 people registered for the June 13-16 event, which offered 22 sessions. Attendees included:
- 72 onsite
- 76 online
- 4 study center staff onsite
- Real Talk: It’s Called Adulting by UC Riverside’s LaSharon McLean Perez: 70 participants
- Disabilities Abroad and the Pandemic: Assessing Practices, Patterns, and Possibilities by UCEAP’s May Pothongsunun and Rachel Ogletree and UC San Diego’s Joanna Boval: 64 participants
- Opening Reception: 50

New Programs Offer New Choices for Students
Students will have more than 170 UCEAP programs to choose from when the application cycle opens in October.
Two new programs are being added to the roster and will appear on the website soon:
- Dublin Summer Chemistry: Students can complete two quarters of lower division organic chemistry in eight weeks at the University College Dublin.
- Made in Italy, Rome: Students will learn about Italy's history and culture while exploring Italian marketing strategies and entrepreneurship.
- Another four immersion programs in Ireland.
- Another three immersion programs in UK-Scotland.
- Another nine immersion programs as well as Environment and Sustainability at the University of East Anglia in UK-England.

Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series
The Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series is a collaboration between UC campuses and UCEAP to provide identity-based study abroad workshops, panels, and information sessions for students.
The series kicked off in June with the Adjusting to Life Abroad workshop hosted by the UC Los Angeles International Education Office. Upcoming sessions include:
- Path to Study Abroad or Away for Undocumented Students: Noon PT, October 12
- LGBTQIA Out in the World: Session time TBA, October 27
- El Mundo Es Tuyo: Global Learning for Latinx/e/@Students: 5 pm PT, November 16
- First, But Not Last: Studying Abroad for First-Generation Students: 9 am PT, November 17
- Transfer Students Abroad: 5pm PT, January 18
- Don’t Just Survive, Thrive: Education Abroad for BIPOC: February 23
- Going, Living, and Studying Abroad With an Accommodation or Disability: March 9
- Asians and Pacific Islanders Abroad: April 2023
- DACA Predeparture Preparedness Workshop: May 3
This series reflects the importance the UC campuses and UCEAP put on increasing access to the transformative power of study abroad for students of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Study abroad prepares the next generation of leaders with the global perspective and intercultural competence needed to affect positive change in our interconnected world.
Registration is open for several of the 2022 sessions.
Presentations will be recorded and can be found on the Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series web page, including the Adjusting to Life Abroad workshop.
For more information, contact Noah Kuchins and Lauren Nestler.

Internship Awards
Application Cycle
Open to Students
Students who participated in an internship abroad can submit an application for a $500 UCEAP Internship Award.
The award honors students who share exceptional internship experiences with the UCEAP community, including UC students considering study abroad.
Applications are due August 31.
Watch your inbox and social media for messages you can share with students.
For more information, contact Internship Awards.

Reverse Culture Shock: Adjusting to Life at Home After Study Abroad
Reverse culture shock can be as disorienting as the culture shock students experience when they arrive in a new place. It can also be more difficult to recognize precisely because it's unexpected.
Just in time for returning students, please read and share Reverse Culture Shock: Adjusting to Life at Home After Study Abroad in The Californian Abroad.
Looking for authentic student stories to share? Please feel free to add this post to your student communications and social media channels.
For a quick share, you can use these links:
If you have a topic you'd like to explore writing with us, email The Californian Abroad.

Disability Pride
I had concerns about how people would view my disability in Kyoto. I slowly addressed my worries by seeking out people willing to help and by making a few good friends. You may meet some people who discriminate based on your disability, but don’t let it bother you too much.
Sara Mahoney•UC Irvine•Japanese in Kyoto• Japan

alumni news
alumni news
2022 Alumni Awards
Mari Metcalf is the recipient of the 2022 Linda Duttenhaver Distinguished Alumni Award and Bridget Martinez is the recipient of the UCEAP Emerging Leader Award.
Mari Metcalf
Mari is an alumna of UC Berkeley and UC Los Angeles School of Law. She practices law as a bilingual workplace investigator. After studying abroad in Costa Rica with American Field Service, Mari returned through UCEAP in 1989-90. She spent a year at Universidad de Costa Rica and living in La Meseta Central. “I would not be the person I’ve become if not for studying abroad in Costa Rica,” she said.
Dr. Bridget Martinez
Bridget is a two-time alumna from UC Merced and studied in Egypt and Korea from 2009-11. As a medical doctor and scientist, Bridget strives to bridge the gap between the advancement of scientific knowledge and improve therapeutic strategies for patients, including those who have Parkinson’s Disease. She has published articles in over 60 peer-reviewed publications.
Named after one of UCEAP's strongest supporters and a program alumna herself, the Linda Duttenhaver Distinguished Alumni Award honors an alumna or alumnus who has a record of extraordinary service or achievement in their field and has made a significant impact on the global community. The Emerging Leader Award recognizes a UCEAP alumnus or alumna who has graduated within the past 15 years and has a record of outstanding accomplishments.
For more information, contact the Alumni and Development team.

Ashley Arvanites
Ashley Arvanites has joined UCEAP as program specialist and will work with programs in Canada, China, Spain (summer), and Taiwan. Ashley received her bachelor’s degree in International Studies from UC San Diego and participated in study abroad programs in Mexico, Peru, Italy, and Egypt.
After graduating, she moved to Chang Mai, Thailand, where she worked as an English teacher. Upon her return, she taught English to international students and was an academic advisor at UC San Diego Extension’s International Programs. Ashley transitioned to education abroad in 2018 and has served as a study abroad program coordinator and advisor at the UC Davis Global Learning Hub and, most recently, as the lead advisor for Inbound and Custom Programs at the UC Irvine Study Abroad Center.
After graduating, she moved to Chang Mai, Thailand, where she worked as an English teacher. Upon her return, she taught English to international students and was an academic advisor at UC San Diego Extension’s International Programs. Ashley transitioned to education abroad in 2018 and has served as a study abroad program coordinator and advisor at the UC Davis Global Learning Hub and, most recently, as the lead advisor for Inbound and Custom Programs at the UC Irvine Study Abroad Center.
Tekura Campbell
Joining the IT team, Tekura Campbell will serve as the business analyst/product owner for the UCEAP Portal. A graduate of Hunter College in New York, Tekura has been a business analyst for 10 years.
She is also experienced in project management with a Certified Associate in Project Management Certificate. Tekura will be a great addition to the IT team as she is familiar with our product suites of JIRA and Microsoft.
Willaine Cabal Carr
Willaine Cabal Carr is returning to UCEAP as an academic specialist. Willaine served as a UCEAP program advisor from 2012-13 and a UC Santa Barbara EAP campus advisor from 2013-16.
She comes to us from San Diego State University, last serving as program development specialist for International Affairs and as International Programs coordinator and academic advisor in the Fowler College of Business. She received her undergraduate degree in International Studies from UC San Diego and her master’s degree in Higher Education at Northeastern University-College of Professional Studies.

Krissy Loveman
After 5 ½ years as a global learning coordinator and advisor, Krissy Loveman is leaving her position at UC Santa Cruz Global Learning to explore new career endeavors.
In her time at UCSC, Krissy has been instrumental in exchange program administration and advising. She also worked on the application management system, including the Global Learning Profile that allows tailored advising and data on outreach and resources.
César Noriega Ramos
César Noriega Ramos has been selected as the program manager of the UCEAP Chile and Argentina Study Center, where he has worked since 2018. Since July 2021, he served as the center’s interim program manager.
Originally from Venezuela, César has a background in Journalism and has master’s degrees in Latin American Cultural Studies and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. While working on his master’s degrees in Madrid, he was a monitor in cultural activities for New York University students. He enjoys helping students make a smooth transition to living and studying in Chile and Argentina. César searches for ways to develop new study abroad programs that meet the current needs of UC students.

Jen Steffensen
Jen Steffensen has joined the United Kingdom and Ireland team as program officer at the Edinburgh Study Center.
From Norway, Jen studied International Relations at the University of Edinburgh and has studied abroad in Washington State and Paris. Jen has held positions in student services and alumni development at the University of Edinburgh. She is excited to continue her experience abroad, supporting UCEAP Scotland and Ireland students on their academic and cultural endeavors.
Find career opportunities with UCEAP
Do you have a success story? Want to recognize a colleague's contributions? Submit your news for UCEAPulse newsletter.
Deadline for UCEAP Internship Awards
UCEAP Back to School Night Trivia, Goleta, Calif.
UCSB Study Abroad Fair
UCSD Study Abroad Fair
UCSC Global Learning Opportunities Fair
UCLA Study Abroad Fair
UCR Study Abroad Fair
UCM Study Abroad Fair
UCEAP Virtual Study Abroad Fair
UCB Study Abroad Fair
UCD Global Learning Fair