University of California students experienced the transformative benefits of study abroad even during this challenging year.
You helped make that happen.
You're invited to experience the reflections of UCEAP students and staff,
in their own words.
You're invited to experience the reflections of UCEAP students and staff, in their own words.

I was able to immerse myself in a different country and way of life. Australian courses helped diversify my major and led me to great experiences such as snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef.
–Emma Dugan
My study abroad semester in New Zealand was incredibly unique and unlike anything I had experienced growing up in the US.
–Brandon Brunckhorst
You connected them with new friends
The experience brought me closer to my international friends. Truly something I will remember for a lifetime.
–Lyz Ruvulcaba
The wonderful thing about studying abroad is that I met some incredible people that I am in contact with each week. The hardest thing was saying goodbye.
–Violet Henderson
You taught them important life skills
This experience has taught me how to adapt to a new environment and the beauty of living my life in a big city like Tokyo.
–Lydia Ignacz
My experience was nothing short of spectacular and it taught me incredibly important life skills such as independence and perseverance.
–Brenda Avila
The most important lesson I learned from my experience was a newfound appreciation for my life in the states.
–Brandon Brunckhorst
You supported and encouraged
Even through the most unpredictable of circumstances—a global pandemic—the UCEAP staff abroad and at home were incredibly helpful and supportive.
–Lyz Ruvulcaba
Student welfare was the utmost priority, which included evoking a sense of belonging in the host countries. UCEAP went above and beyond to ensure that all aspects of diversity were honored.
–Eileen Chung
You changed their lives
Although cut short, my time abroad was life-changing. There is no other way to describe the impact studying and living in another country creates.
–Jennifer Quezada
You inspired a new tomorrow
If you want to go somewhere or do something, do it as soon as possible. Try everything you want as soon as you get the chance.
–Ashna Gorajia
I'd encourage everyone to take the same leap. You might just discover yourself—a you that you never dreamt possible.
–Liliana Ledezma
Our shared commitment to international education and the UCEAP community remains strong.
Embracing all we have learned and achieved, we will build the future—together.
To students and staff who contributed, thank you for telling your UCEAP story.
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